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ORA the outdoor boutique specialises in supplying high quality, luxury, international outdoor furniture brands to the South African public.  Relatively young, having launched in August 2009, ORA the outdoor boutique began when married couple Glyn and Niels Rudolph discovered German company “HOLiLi outdoor emotions” whilst on honeymoon in Bali.

A couple who had always dreamed of their own business and having always had a passion for design and for quality, took only a few months to launch the HOLiLi furniture range at Decorex in 2009. Six years later and the business has grown; ORA the outdoor boutique has now enlarged its South African offering to include a variety of top European brands. Supplying outdoor furniture, lighting, shade systems and accessories to both the discerning individual and the luxury hospitality industry (HORECA: Hotel, Restaurant and Catering). The ORA team is small, but passionate and we operate from a beautiful showroom at 3 Desmond Street, Kramerville, Sandton.

Glyn and Niels are constantly looking to enlarge the ORA offering; however all products remain of the highest quality and many are winners of international design awards.

Contact ORA the outdoor boutique on
072 838 6967 / or

We are a proud member of the South African Institute of the Interior Design Professions. Click here to view the certificate